Thursday, May 31, 2012

Where is Thumbkin?

This kid keeps us smiling...


The Bumbo chair might just be one of the best inventions ever.  Definitely a must-have for any new mom.  I don't think we started Kellan in the Bumbo this early but Harper has such a strong neck and really enjoys sitting up so we tried it tonight for a few minutes.  She enjoyed watching Kellan eat his dinner and he liked chatting with her while he ate...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Play Mat

Kellan loves to "teach" Harper how to do different things.  Here he is helping her learn about her play mat.  He's such a great big brother! :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Rainy Day Walk

Today the weather was chilly and it was rainy off and on.  Kellan had plenty of energy so we decided to go for a walk.  Although the rain had stopped, Kellan needed to bring his umbrella (of course!).  He really enjoyed carrying it around.  We had to open and close the umbrella every 5 minutes so our walk took longer than expected.... 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Two very different kids...

After having Harper, many people have asked if she is the same or different than Kellan was as a baby.  This picture says it all...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

An Evening Bike Ride

Kellan loves his new bike trailer!  We will be using it a lot this summer.  :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

So Blessed

This Mother's Day I'm feeling pretty blessed to have these healthy, amazing children.

Check out the gift Kellan made for me!!  He's very proud!

I'm one lucky momma!  

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sleepy Boy

Lately, we've been finding Kellan asleep in some weird places.  We put him to bed in his own bed, then we find him somewhere else later.  A few days ago I got up to feed Harper around midnight and found him asleep under our bed.

This latest position made us laugh so I had to take a picture.  It looks like he fell asleep right as he was climbing onto our bed.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Harper's Nursery

While Karen was out visiting, we got a lot of projects done.  The first one was starting on Harper's nursery.  We painted the walls a grayish color, made letters to put above her crib, and added some splashes of PINK!  There are still a few things that need to be done but we got a great start and it looks so different than when we started!

nursery in progress...

more progress...
handmade letters

My Little Cuties

Such a proud big brother!!

Karen visits Colorado!

We love Karen!